All about me.

- Liz v d Burg
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Hi All! I am a born and raised Canadian that is currently living a European life. I decided the best way to appreciate Canada was to escape it for awhile and see what other countries have to offer. I spent a year in Dublin and currently reside in Amsterdam. The plan is to live in Amsterdam for the next few years while I complete my Master's in Instructional Design and Technology. I look forward to blogging about my experiences as I begin to get closer to developing my Instructional Design skills and potentially gaining experience in this field. My goal is to complete my program and begin to develop and deliver training programs.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Personal Development Plan
At my organization unless you change roles it is rare to have job javascript:void(0)enlargement. This means we tend to continue in our usual roles with the same responsibilities and expectations in our set roles. If we want to have any job enlargement we need to ask for additional projects or really express what other areas we are looking to learn and expand on. Currently, I am trying to ‘job enlarge’ by asking for additional project to train other staff (Noe, R. A, 2010). . I would really like to pursue a career in Training and Development in the future so gaining experience in my current role in this field would be beneficial and exciting.
At the moment we do not have a mentoring program at work. I think this type of initiate would be an excellent one for helping to push employees into new areas (Noe, R. A, 2010). Also, it would build relationships further within our organization which is always a positive. I would like to be mentored by our Director of Training and Development as I believe he has a lot he could teach me. If he does not agree to this then I will reach out to one of my previous co-workers to help me.
Personal development is an area that we all must take an interesting in to ensure our roles keep us challenged; we enjoy our work and expand our skills. These two additional development initiatives would really ensure everyone at my organization has options for development.
Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Future of Education
For the last two years I have been completing my Master’s online which has meant interaction throughout my program has been completely online with classmates and faculty. I think throughout this time I have picked up the phone 3 times and on two occasions the call was made through Skype. This method of education will continue to rise as more and more people decide to study online as it is more flexible and convenient.
Prior to my online studies I had never used interactive videos to learn course materials. However, throughout my online Master’s program we have constantly reviewed media files to get a better understanding of course content. This method is also the future of training and education as materials going online will mean students are watching their lecturers online or will use interactive videos to understand materials.
The other major learning tool has shifted to mobile phones. Students can review materials on their phone, participate, research, email and even complete some of their classroom tasks on their smart phones (Noe, R. A, 2010). As we have all seen a shift in personal phone usage I do not see this changing. Computers and phones will continue to be put together and made more portable for student usage and for learning purposes.
Although it seems all learning materials are being placed online; there are definitely some fields and areas that cannot simply be learned online. Blended learning which combines face-to-face instruction and online learning is also an important learning format (Noe, R. A, 2010). . For instance, those in medical or psychology fields must complete practicum and a certain amount of face to face interaction with patients or complete case studies to fully understand their future profession. I do not believe these fields can change to completely online learning. The future of these areas will most likely be the same unless the requirements change.
“Education and the Future of Technology.” (7 April 2009). Retrieved from
Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Needs Assessment
In order to conduct a needs assessment for MEC it would be the Board of Directors that would need to vote to allow this assessment to take place. The Board is made of elected volunteers that serve terms of a minimum of three years. During the organizational analysis I would ask managers of various stories what they feel the pressure points are in their store. I realize this means it is possible there are different issues in each but I would be looking for similarities in what their training needs are. The questions I would ask would be do you feel there are any outstanding issues with the employees and their consumers? What can be done better? Is there a need for additional training to sort out these issues? These questions would definitely lead to others to get to the bottom of any issues that were mentioned. I would ask to see their training documents for new hires and handling issues. I would be interested to find out how long their employees tend to work for them and what think about their training and any needs they have.
The techniques I would employ for my needs assessment would be questionnaires and interviews. I realize both of these are time consuming and can be difficult to get the results required however, in order to take a sampling from various stores across Canada this would be easiest. I believe questionnaires would give me the data needed to show me what the employees and management find the need to be (Noe, R. A, 2010). Based on these results I would then decide to interview additional sources in the organization for further details and information if required. This week I learned a lot about the needs assessment process and how important it is. It really sets the groundwork for your training plan and ensures you will help the organization as needed. I look forward to reviewing the information again in order to conduct a real needs analysis for a client or my organization.
Mountain Equipment Co-Op. Retrieved 2011 from
Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Elevator Speech on Why Training is Important
My Elevator Speech
I’m here to tell you that training is important and can drastically help you to motivate, retain and empower your employees.
You may be asking yourself why should I continue to train my employees? Given the current economies of the world why bother when nobody is leaving my organization anyway?
Main reason is you have attracted some amazing people to your workplace however, when the economy picks up they will change roles if they are not feeling as though you are allowing them to grow in their role.
Training means your employees will stay current with new technologies.
Employees want to feel that you are investing in them and helping them to grow their talents. If you train and allow them to better themselves they are more likely to stay in your organization and you will spend less money having to rehire and retrain new people to take their role. You can then spend your time helping your employees and ensuring they are performing as necessary.
If your employees are happy then your clients will be happier as they will receive better service and thus you will be happy. Training your employees will go full circle in ensuring everyone in your business is left feeling motivated and happy with the business they are doing.